Grant Program to open clinical labs has been launched

2022-03-07 20:50
In May 2021, Sustainable Rural Development Fund launched the program providing grants for opening clinical laboratories.

To date, five grants have already been issued for a total of 7,160,000 tenge; four more applications have been approved and funds will be issued soon. Grants were received in Kostanay, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan and Almaty regions.

One of the first clinical laboratories was opened in the village of Borodulikha, East Kazakhstan region. The lab operates under the INVIVO franchise and will provide clinical diagnostic services to the population from Borodulikha and surrounding villages.

The lab was opened by Olga Skokova, who used to work as an accountant-cashier in an electrical goods store and has always dreamed of starting her own business. Olga’s sister told her about the franchise project, and they calculated the required amount and launched the process together.

Sustainable Rural Development Fund allocated 1,200,000 tenge, which was used by Olga to purchase the necessary equipment and furniture. Olga tells us about her plans, “I share the Fund’s idea of ​​providing residents in the countryside with high-quality medical diagnostics. I look forward to the future with enthusiasm and plan to open a clinical lab in Semey too.”

Find out how you can join the project by submitting an application for grant support online (you can find the application form in the Healthcare section) or contact Fatima Gerfanova, the head of the Healthcare direction.