Aitas Foundation to Recognized as the Best Social Program

2023-12-08 13:25
The Aitas Foundation corporate fund, which is part of the AITAS agro-industrial holding, was recognized as the “Best Social Program” according to the Kazakhstan Growth Forum version. This has been announced during a Charity Social Ball, the goal of which is to support significant projects in various directions.
“AITAS Holding created a corporate fund in 2019. It all started with a common idea – to help the native area. At that time, we could not even imagine how large-scale our projects would be. In a short period of time, the Fund managed to implement more than 200 projects throughout Kazakhstan and attract investments of about KZT43 billion,” Serik Tolukpayev, the Founder of the AITAS Holding and Aitas Foundation, said.
The Aitas Foundation’s portfolio of major projects currently includes the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, the Sustainable Rural Development Fund and the Center for Regional Studies. In addition, a number of other small projects are being implemented.

The Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, together with Kazakhstan Khalkyna fund and NIS, is working to build a network of hub schools in every rural area of Kazakhstan. The Fund sees its future in helping to reduce the gap in the quality of education between the city and the countryside. Today, about 85 rural schools are participating in the Project on hub schools – more than 70 thousand students and more than 5 thousand teachers in all regions of the country. As a continuation of this initiative, a pilot project was launched with Kazakhstan Khalkyna fund and other partners to develop the potential of small rural schools in Aktobe region, covering 134 educational institutions.
The Sustainable Rural Development Fund works daily to improve the quality of life of villagers in three districts, guided by Sustainable Development Strategies. There are 166 rural areas in Kazakhstan, and each of them is distinctive and unique. Therefore, the Fund has implemented over 200 projects over the past 5 years in the fields of education, medicine, culture, economics and ecology. In addition, more than thirty infrastructure projects have been implemented in rural areas. And on the example of Bulandyn district, a program for the development of hub villages is currently being developed, supported by the Akimat of Akmola region.

In 2021, the Aitas Foundation corporate fund, together with Olymp CDL and INVIVO CDL, launched a grant program to support entrepreneurs opening medical laboratories in villages. To date, 19 medical laboratory rooms have been launched in those areas of the country where such an opportunity did not exist before. This means that over 1.3 million residents of the country have access to timely diagnosis in 8 regions.
“As can be seen from our projects, we have always wanted synergy with different parties, and in our projects we tried to unite all participants. And we wanted to shape the image of the future of the country’s rural areas through personal example, successful practices and sustainable development strategies,” Xeniya Verba, the Director of the Aitas Foundation, says.